Ancient knowledge brought into the 21st century.

The science of breathing is not new. Forms of breathing training can be traced back thousands of years. We have taken that knowledge and made it accessible to everyone.

Improved respiratory strength

Stronger breathing muscles enable athletes of all levels to improve their performance in high intensity, as well as in endurance sports. Training your breathing muscles, primarily the diaphragm, prolongs the time until they fatigue, thereby prolonging oxygen supply to muscles used during exercise.

Increased accessible lung capacity

Airofit improves your Vital Capacity, which is the actual amount of air you can get in and out of your lungs. Stretching your diaphragm and intercostal muscles allows you to decrease the residual volume and increase the amount of usable air. This, of course, is good for athletes, as well as patients with asthma or COPD.

Boosted anaerobic threshold

To work harder, our muscles require more energy than can be produced using oxygen. Our bodies cannot supply enough oxygen for such high performance. Getting your muscles used to an oxygen-deprived environment ensures prolonged ability to perform at high intensities for longer periods.

Decreased stress levels, improved mindfulness and relaxation

Meditative breathing patterns stimulate your Vagus nerve, allowing you to achieve better relaxation. From those who need to boost recovery between sports events, to those who work in stressful environments and need to relax after long days in the office.

Airofit concept has been tested and proven

68 particpants split in 3 groups training 10 mins twice a day for 8 weeks

AMBU International has conducted a clinical survey regarding the effect Airofit has on exercise performance. The study was based on expiratory and inspiratory resistance training. The performance effect was measured in a standard Cooper running test before and after a two-month trial. 68 people were divided into 3 groups, which spent 8 weeks training with different resistance levels.

Group 1 was a control group and trained with virtually no resistance -0.5%. Group 2 trained with 33% resistance, while Group 3 had the difficult task of 50% resistance training. The results show that those in Group 1 (control group) increased their performance by 0.5%, Group 2 improved by 8% and Group 3 improved athletic performance by 15%. This proves that the higher the training intensity using Airofit, the stronger the user’s respiratory muscles become, thereby enabling higher performance.

Sports Performance

Health & Well-being